Putting my foot down
8:10 a.m. || June 26, 2007

Today is going to be a loooooooong day.

Our office is officially moving today. I'm supposed to "camp out" at the new location today until the movers get there.

My father-in-law/boss is being a royal asshole about the whole thing. I think I upset him, too.

The first thing he did that irritated me was getting stuff started with getting in contact with the people from whom we will be leasing, and then pushing it all off on to DH for him to take care of, saying that he didn't have time to mess with it. It drives me crazy when someone starts something and then shoves it onto someone else to finish. It's so hard to pick up where they left off.

I can't go into too much detail with the next thing, but all this time, he's been making our leaser out to be some evil person, when I know that he's been sneaking around this whole time, lying about having certain paperwork done (lying to me, even), when if he had done it a month ago, we'd be in there by now (or even a year and 2 ago when it was supposed to be done!).

He's having everyone else do stuff and he's going around "supervising"...yelling at people for the stuff they're not doing his way. Honestly, we had a whole 6 people trying to pack up our whole office. Having 7 would have been nice and it would have made things a lot faster. He's not even the oldest person there, so I don't want to hear that excuse.

Lastly, he's so darn rude. I told my mother-in-law yesterday that I was thinking about after we get moved and settled into our new routine, telling him that he's not allowed to call past 10 during any day of the week. My family never accepted calls past 10 p.m., and unless it was an emergency, the caller got chewed out. This man will call at 1 in the morning if it's work related. I don't care if we're still up when he calls. I want peace and quiet at night. Most people don't have their bosses calling at all hours of the night. I know the profession we're in is slightly different, but he only does it because it's his son who lives here.

I'm sorry, but we're our own family now. Our house has different rules. DH says he doesn't care, but I do...especially after the baby is born. We see him almost every day anyway. Just like with everyone else, anything he needs to talk about that's work-related can wait until the next day. I don't need the stress of that anymore.

He's been an asshole ever since his wife blurted it out to him yesterday. I'm tired of him pushing us around. I guess having wild hormones is finally giving me the guts to put my foot down.

I suppose that's it. I need to hurry up and finish my breakfast. I might take my camera with me to record a vlog while I'm there. I won't have internet access and all of my work is packed away in boxes, so I'm not quite sure what I'll do until the movers get there.

And I didn't intend to hop on here and complain. :- Maybe I'll update with something happier later.

Au revoir!

--last || next--

New Location - October 18, 2007
Be Still, My Soul - September 17, 2007
Just leave already - September 16, 2007
Changes...I hate them (well, most of them, anyway) - September 14, 2007
Funky Love - September 12, 2007

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