Wee got a Wii
4:48 p.m. || January 29, 2007

Two Saturdays ago, my younger brother came over and played video games with DH. They both had a lot of fun and from what my mom says, it sounds like he'll be coming over again soon.

Yesterday, DH and I met up with my older brother and his wife. We went to the movies and saw "Night at the Museum" and then went to Ruby Tuesday for dinner. I really enjoyed the movie. I think it's one of those movies that I'll being watching over and over. I think the movie could've done without the little boy, though. I thought he was a little cheesy, a little creepy. All of us had a very nice time. So nice that my sister-in-law when looking for me on MySpace and added me as a friend. She wants to hang out again as couples, but she also wants to hang out with me now. It would be good if I could be friends with her, but she doesn't seem to be very easy to talk to.

It's weird that my brothers are starting to act like they want to see us. After asking them to come over many times, they're just now taking up our offers. I wonder if my mom has had a hand in this. It seems like she's talked to them right before they want to get together. I don't mind at all, it's just a little weird.

My mom told me that she wishes that I was closer to my siblings. I'm the only female amongst 3 males. I was a tomboy for the longest time and other than music, I have absolutely nothing in common with them. They all talked to each other, but I never really felt like I was able to have a serious conversation with any of them. I was molested by one of them when I was younger (only time I'll say that...I won't say which one...might explain insecurities with sex now...no one knows but DH [not even the 'rents], so please keep this to yourself), so I've always felt a little awkward around that brother. I've really had no desire to be close to them because I've always had great female friends who I can talk to. My mom says that she got closer to her sisters (SISTERS...not brothers...she had all sisters) after they moved away. That's a slightly different situation, if you ask me. She said that we're all family and we have the same parents, so that's what we have in common. She's right, but that's not enough to make me feel comfortable enough to talk to them about anything but silly things.

Ugh. Enough of that. I had too good of a weekend to talk about that anymore.

The fake pot that DH has, well, he has a lot of different stuff. First of all, I don't know why he needs to try and smoke or ingest this stuff to try to feel good. He's pretty much high 24/7 while he has the patch on (which has been for going on 5 or 6 months, I think). Second of all, it can't be good for his health. Third of all, the stuff stinks to high heaven. I like the smell of cigarette smoke, but this stuff smells different. The stuff he smoked was called Salvia or something like that. He says it's like pot, but it makes you hallucinate as well (oh boy). Apparently all of the stuff he has is legal, but I don't really care. He's a smart guy. He can find better things to do with his time, right?

Of course, I'm getting on him about smoking right after we went out and bought a bunch of beer and malt beverages to have at home. I don't ever drink to get drunk. I like to sometimes drink a bottle of beer at night just because I enjoy the taste. I don't even drink it fast enough to even feel the slightest bit tingly (although I could if I wanted to). Little sips at a time to savor the flavor. I picked up some Corona and Guinness. I wanted to see what the hype was about when it came to Guinness. I knew it was a really dark beer and I was really scared to try it. DH said that most grown men couldn't handle it and that I wouldn't like it. My father-in-law said that I would like it because I like burnt things. I wasn't too thrilled that a can of Guinness is much bigger than a can of anything else. Well, it's not a lot bigger, but it does have more in there. Then when I was bringing in the carton of it, the sloshing didn't sound normal. Apparently there's a little "widget" that floats around in the can and it's full of nitrogen. When you open the can, the nitrogen is released, creating a bunch of bubbles, which makes the thick foam. Whoop-dee-doo. In my opinion, the foam is what tasted the worst. It was bitter. The beer itself was good. I will definitely have some more. I think it was actually more tolerable than any of the light stuff I've ever had.

We also bought some Bacardi Silver and Smirnoff thingies. I think it's called Smirnoff Ice. I can't remember. The Smirnoff stuff tastes really good. Much better than wine coolers. It would be too easy to forget that you're drinking and alcoholic beverage.

My in-laws bought us a Nintendo Wii. I really do appreciate it when they do things like that for us, but just once I'd like them to allow us to save up our money to buy it ourselves. It's much more gratifying that way and it will teach us how to budget correctly. They bought our TV, xbox 360, washer and dryer, now the Wii, and even paid a little bit to get our house built. I think that's enough. Last night I was playing the sports games that came with the system and my arms are so sore today. It gives you a pretty good workout!

I guess that's it for now. I need to get back to work.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and will have a great week!

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Be Still, My Soul - September 17, 2007
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Changes...I hate them (well, most of them, anyway) - September 14, 2007
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*HUGS* TOTAL! give tootiturtle more *HUGS*
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