7:20 p.m. || July 19, 2007

My grandmother is having heart valve replacement surgery tomorrow. Today she is having a catherization done. I'm not sure what that is. I'll have remember to look it up when I get home. I hope it goes well. My mom said that chances are that it will, but it's only been a year or so since I lost my other two grandparents. I'd like grandma to stick around for a while (like...50 years, perhaps?). She definitely has something to live for. She wants to see her first great-grandbaby(ies). So if you think about it, please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. My mom says she (grandma) is really nervous because her father passed away while in the middle of heart surgery. Mom said she'd call with updates, but I'm not holding my breath. I didn't even find out that Grandma is having surgery until Sunday when the associate pastor announced it during prayer request time.

That realllllllly irks me. That's how I found out my other grandmother died. I got it in an prayer chain e-mail. No one ever calls to tell me anything. My mom said that she didn't tell me about the surgery because I haven't talked to her enough. Hello! If you're the one with important news, I think you should call the people who would want to know, like your own family. I'd call to find out, but I'd have to be psychic in order to do so and I'm definitely not.

***Update on Grandma (4:00 p.m.) I found out what a catherization is and it went well. They found no blockages in her arteries, so she is not having the surgery tomorrow. :o)***

I talked about the handbell choir in my last entry. The practice didn't happen last night because my parents went down to be with Grandma and they'll be there until at least Saturday, I'm assuming. This Sunday's practice was cancelled because my dad's side of the family is having a get-together. one told me. First I was told it would be at the end of June and then I was told the end of July. THEN exactly a week before it's supposed to happen, I'm told that it'll be in a week. Mom said that she told me the week before while DH and I were at their house. Everyone knows I'm off in my own little world all the time nowadays. At least send me an e-mail reminder as soon as you find out or something. Otherwise, I'm not showing up! My younger brother claimed he didn't know two weeks ago, either. There is a huge communication gap somewhere if you ask me.

I didn't remember that this get-together was going on until yesterday afternoon. I had already told DH that we had nothing going on all weekend, so he told the newspaper that he's free to photograph any events that he would be needed for. Apparently I came and told him about the get-together right after he e-mailed the lady. I asked him to e-mail her again and tell her that Sunday he is not free to do free-lance photography. He said he wouldn't because he'd already agree to do whatever. If she had gotten back to him saying that she needed him on Sunday, then I'd say it was too late, but I think he's just trying to get out of this family gathering. He missed the last one because he was in the hopsital (I missed it, too). So it's kind of important that we attend this time. I have a feeling that I'll be going alone. I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

***Update on the get-together (4 p.m.) After my cousin found out about Grandma, she cancelled the gathering. My mom is going to call her and tell her that there will be no surgery after all and we'll have to see if she reschedules for the same date or if it's not happening at all. Man, this is confusing.***

***Update #2 (4:30 p.m.) It's cancelled. Jeeze leweeze!***

I just said in my baby diary that I think the nesting instict is really starting to kick in. I didn't notice it until a little earlier this week. I've found myself daydreaming about going home and doing chores. Daydreaming about chores? What in the world has happened to me?! I found myself planning my entire weekend around cleaning (until I found out about the family shindig). Saturday, I would do yard work and clean the second floor along with some laundry. Sunday, I'd devote my time to cleaning the first floor. Well, Sunday will be spent elsewhere.

Tuesday evening, despite being tired after work, I didn't even turn on my computer until after I took out all the trash and cleaned up the laundry room/kitty bathroom. That's completely out of character.

Last night, I didn't turn on my computer until after I did a load of dishes, along with 3 loads of laundry and making myself dinner. I wanted to do more, but my back was hurting quite a bit and I didn't want to push myself too much.

Tonight I'll probably do another load of dishes, 3 more loads of laundry, and who knows what else. I might organize the Christmas decorations. I brought home 3 of my office moving boxes that are now empty. I've been brainstorming how I could possibly use these boxes. I have about 30 total. I'll pack away my Christmas stuff...pack away some clothes... I'm sure I'll come up with something.

My younger brother is meeting us here at work next Wednesday and we'll take him to our house, where he'll spend the night. He's having a piano tuner come Thursday morning to look at his gutted player piano that's sitting in our basement. My brother is paying for it and everything, yet we get to keep it until he decides to move it out and I can play it whenever I want! Sounds like a good deal to me... I keep forgetting it's there, though. I really need to get down there and vacuum because the flea bomb residue is still killing tons of bugs. I don't want the piano guy to show up and have to wade into a pool of dead insects. Okay, it's not that bad, but it looks pretty disgusting down there. What I really need to do is to shampoo the carpets and put the cats back in the basement. I don't want them upstairs again until the baby is older (and born, even).

I'm starting to get an itch to ransack the room that's going to be the nursery. Before I touch anything in there, I want to draw out a plan of what I want to do. Ideally, I'd get all the painting and furniture moving done before I get too big and awkward. I'm hoping, as long as she isn't upset with me, that Amanda will assist me in this adventure. If not, I will ask the live-in wife to help me out. She already offered to help and is really excited about it. I already discussed it with my cousin a couple months ago. She has a knack for decorating and I'd like to have her hand in this.

I'm feeling a little bit of resentment toward DH lately. He believes that marriage is 50-50 and that the husband should do just as much work as the wife. I agree with him, but he doesn't do it!!! If he was the only one work full-time, I wouldn't grumble as much, but I work the same hours he does and I still have to keep up the house. Even if he did the smallest things to help me out, it would be great. Like, he leaves his dirty clothes in 4 different places: on the kitchen table, in front of the couch, in the bathroom, and in the bedroom. All of my clothes, with the exception of a couple pairs of socks, are in the bedroom and I have a small pile of underwear in the bathroom, where I take them off before I get into the shower. I have to wander all over the house to get his laundry together and it creates a lot more work for me. Last night I asked him to at least drop his laundry into the laundry instead of on the table when he gets home from work. He said he would. Who knows if he actually will.

While I was doing my chores last night, he was playing a shoot-'em-up game. He never offered to help. When I asked him what we were doing for dinner, he said he was too tired to eat (not too tired to play his game obviously). He ignored me the entire night and only got lovey-dovey with me before he went to bed. I feel a bit underappreciated. He says he's so tired, yet he gets 9+ hours of sleep every night. I think it's the Topamax he's on to lose weight. He's been a little paranoid lately and off in some other world. He took the day off work today because he says he's sick. I'm not buying it.

I'm pregnant and my body is working overtime even when I'm sleeping, but it doesn't get me out of my work. He won't let it get me out of my work, even if I need the break. He's been such a jerk's hard to be nice to him when I know that he'll make some kind of caustic comment to me that'll put me on the verge of tears.

Right now I feel like I'm single with a noisy ghost living in my house, whose main goal is to completely reverse my work.

I guess I'm done blabbing now. I don't complain to anyone in real life, so I've got to get it out here. I need to figure out what I want for lunch before I get too hungry. I think some Taco Bell is in order.


--last || next--

New Location - October 18, 2007
Be Still, My Soul - September 17, 2007
Just leave already - September 16, 2007
Changes...I hate them (well, most of them, anyway) - September 14, 2007
Funky Love - September 12, 2007

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