Gotta make this a quickie!
8:36 p.m. || November 21, 2006

(4:20 p.m.) I'm able to get on the internet by some miracle...the connection still isn't good, so I'd better keep this short (otherwise, I might lose this entry!).

I had surgery on my toe this morning. I wasn't going to call it surgery until I read it on the recovery instruction form. I guess it was technically surgery, but since it was nothing huge, I wouldn't call it surgery.


My toe is just now beginning to go back to its normal state. It's been numb for the last 5 hours or so. I felt like I'd been walking around all day with no big toe! I have a teal toe wrap this time. I took a picture of it, too. :) I have my last appointment for this silly toe on Monday.

Maybe I should start a toe wrap fashion line. Hmm...

I'm listening to Christmas music today. It puts me in a good mood.

I guess that is all that's going on today.

I'm going to hurry up and close.

Ugh...just like I thought... I couldn't update because the internet flubbed up. This is so frustrating. I'm just going to go back to filing. :(

(6 p.m.)

Dr. Seuss called asking me to take her out to get her naval pierced. I told her that I'd gotten mine done in Gettysburg. She didn't like the sound of that. I also told her that it would cost about $50 including the ring. I just hope she knows what she's doing. She has to be very careful after it's done. It's not like ear piercing. It requires a lot more care.

Sometimes I wish I still had my belly button piercing. I guess with trying to get pregnant, it'd be stupid to get it done again. I might get something done to my ears. I have until Sunday to decide. DH told me that I'm not allowed to get my tongue pierced. That made me laugh because he usually lets me do whatever I want, but the tongue piercing is an absolute no-no! If I really wanted it, I'd probably do it anyway. But it's not something I'll. Ooo...maybe I can get my nose pierced. But I don't want to draw any more attention to my big nose.

Nose piercings are cute when they have the little tiny screw or stud. Super duper cute. I don't know if I could ever pull if off. I might go into photoshop and put a dot on my nose in some pictures and see how I like it. Hehe. I'm such a dork. Who does that before getting their nose pierced? Probably not too many people.

(8:30 p.m.)

I'm home now and I unwrapped my toe. It's not very pretty, that's for sure. It's still pretty numb, too. It feels like it's asleep. I don't like the feeling, but I don't have a choice, do I?

DH doesn't like the idea of a nose piercing. I'll have to search around and see if there's anything I like. If not, then I'll not have anything done.

My tummy's growling, so I'd better eat.

Happy Thanksgiving!

--last || next--

New Location - October 18, 2007
Be Still, My Soul - September 17, 2007
Just leave already - September 16, 2007
Changes...I hate them (well, most of them, anyway) - September 14, 2007
Funky Love - September 12, 2007

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