Day 1 in San Diego
1:31 a.m. || June 05, 2007

An exhausted TootiTurtle is writing tonight. I'm in San Diego, CA now and it's actually 10:31 p.m. instead of 1:31 a.m.

DH and I are in our hotel room waiting for our room service.

The day started off relatively well, although I'm always stressed out when we get ready to leave on a business trip. I feel like I have to do most of the work to have the house is some kind of order before we leave. But that part wasn't so bad. The house is a wreck, but there's not much I can do about it now!

When we got to the airport, DH was rushing me to get the stuff taken down from the car (GPS, satellite radio, radar detector). And of course, when we got out of the car, he was rushing me to get to the shuttle stop so we could get to the terminal as soon as possible.

Because I was rushing to keep up with him, I tripped right before I got to the curb and I landed on my left side. Palm of my left hand is skinned and my left knee is skinned. All I remember after is that DH turned around and told me that I needed to get up because the shuttle was coming.

He didn't ask if I was okay or anything. He didn't even help me up.

I felt like everyone on the bus was staring at me. I was so embarrassed.

Skip to standing in line to go through security...

DH was in front of me and didn't take his laptop out of its case, so he got pulled away for a bag check (which is so much more than checking a bag). The person running the xray machine made an announcement that laptops should always be removed from their cases...and that that's been the rule for the last 5 years.

Well, I know for a fact that they used to have it posted long before one would actually get to the point where they would take it out.

So I took my laptop out and I took off my shoes and my hoodie and I made it though alright, except the lady kept looking at my laptop case.

They made me throw away my bottle of water. Ugh. It was in the front pocket of my laptop case so I could have easy access during the flight.

Fast forward to our gate, and trying to decide what to eat...

I needed to get something to eat because I was starting to get shakey. DH suggested that we get in line one at a time and I told him that I didn't want to stand in line alone. He picked up all of his bags and I realized that if we both stood in line, he'd have to carry all of that luggage around. I felt so guilty and the way he responded must have been the straw that broke the camel's back.

He said that he was going to get in line, bags and all, and I just sat there and started crying.

I guess I was just so frustrated and having crazy hormones just made the tears start coming. That's never happened to me before and again, I was very embarrassed.

DH softened up a bit and he seemed rather concerned that I was upset.

We got lunch and I started to feel better.

The flight was uneventful. We flew with JetBlue and I was actually really impressed with their service.

After the flight, our bag was one of the first to show up in the baggage claim.

The last hitch of the night was waiting for the rental car shuttle to show up. The first one just passed us right by. When the next one finally showed, the bus was completely packed full of people....which meant that the line to get our rental car was really long.

We wound up getting a yellow PT cruiser convertible. It's not exactly what we wanted because we may have to carry some of the show stuff in it...and it's not big enough.

Doofus DH started pulling out of the parking space without even learning how to use certain functions of the car. He started yelling at ME to figure things out. I told him that he should've stayed put until he learned those functions and that I was looking at the car manual until he yelled at me that we didn't have time for me to be doing that.

He is so unreasonable sometimes. I don't know why he is so nasty to me. He takes out all of his frustrations on me...and I used to blame that on the fact that he was in pain all the time, but he's not anymore. I now see that it is part of his personality and it is something that I will probably have to deal with for the entire length of our marriage.

Anyway, we're finally here in our hotel room and I have my food. I'm so glad that this day is ending. It's been nothing but frustrating for me.

I hope everyone's week is starting out MUCH better than mine is!

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New Location - October 18, 2007
Be Still, My Soul - September 17, 2007
Just leave already - September 16, 2007
Changes...I hate them (well, most of them, anyway) - September 14, 2007
Funky Love - September 12, 2007

*HUGS* TOTAL! give tootiturtle more *HUGS*
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