I called the doctor and the doctor said...
2:42 p.m. || November 02, 2006

My good ol' doctor took a look at my toe yesterday. The first thing he said was that I needed to be on an antibiotic for the infection. I totally guessed he would say that before I saw him. He also told me that I need to soak it in an epsom salt solution and to scrub the nail with a q-tip soaked in hydrogen peroxide. Ouch. He didn't mention referring me to a podiatrist until I mentioned that I'd had both sides of my toenail removed about 4 years ago. He then perked up and told me that I should go ahead and see that same doctor.

I was so afraid that this was going to be difficult, since last time I never had to do any of this on my own, but I think I'm doing a pretty good job! I made an appointment with the podiatrist. I'll be seeing him next Tuesday. I asked my mom if she remembered how many times I had to see him. She said that she thinks that there was the initial consult to work on the infection, then I went back for the actual procedure, and then I went back for follow-up. I'll already be well into taking my antibiotic by next week, so there really shouldn't be anything to this first appointment. Maybe he'll even do the procedure. Nah. I doubt it. I don't want to get my hopes up!

DH has done nothing but sleep for the last few days. I feel like I've been living alone. It's kind of nice, but I would like to spend some time talking to him, you know? I took at his symptoms and compared them to withdrawl symptoms from fentanyl:

"If during withdrawal, you experience any of the following symptoms, contact your physician:

Anxiety, body aches, diarrhea; rapid heartbeat, fever, runny nose or sneezing, chills, sweating, yawning, anorexia, nausea or vomiting,; nervousness, irritability, shivering or trembling, stomach cramps, insomnia, and weakness."

I italicized the symptoms he's complained about. I know I said he's done nothing but sleep, but every night when I've gone to bed, he gets up 3 or 4 times in the middle of the night because he can't sleep. I'm pretty sure he's suffering from quitting the patch without gradually decreasing dose first.

I'm pretty sure I suffer from insomnia myself. It takes me usually more than an hour to fall asleep and then I wake up constantly throughout the night. If I fall asleep at all. The night before last, I woke up at least every hour and then I couldn't get back to sleep. I finally gave up around 6:30 a.m. and just got up and putzed around the house. Last night while I was at the pharmacy I picked up a bottle of an OTC sleep aid. I don't know if it was placebo affect, or if the pill actually worked, or if I was just having a good night, but I slept really well. I'll try the pills again tonight and see what happens.

My dad called my cell phone twice around 10:30 last night. He left a very vague message saying that I needed to call him back either last night or today because he and my mom have a question for me.

It totally freaked me out because my parents never call me that late. They also never tried to call the house, which generally means that they want to ask me something that they don't want DH to hear first.

So my first thoughts were that they found my diary or the found out that I'd aided in Athea's corruption. Or maybe something bad happened to someone I know. Or maybe I'm going to get arrested for something.

I wish my mind would think happy thoughts when I get a message like that. Oh--this happened right before I went to bed and I could still fall asleep, which makes me think that the pills worked.

Anyway, my dad called again a couple times this morning.

Man, it must be really important

So I called him back this morning. To be honest, my heart was racing and I was preparing myself for something bad to come out of his mouth.

Instead, he asked me if DH and I would go to the Fall Festival of Marriage this year if they paid for everything including hotel, conference, gas...

We weren't going to go this year because of our money issues. I had to say no to his incredibly generous offer, though, because DH is groggy beyond all repair and it wouldn't be a very marriage enhancing weekend if I had him go in that state.

My parents have never really offered me support monetarily. They've offered all of the emotional support in the work, but when it comes to money, I've been on my own (except for my car insurance when I still lived with them). So for them to offer to do this for us was amazing to me. I mean, they really wanted us to go this year. My dad said that he felt the Lord leading him to do this because we needed to go this year.

I hope they don't think that we didn't want to go...because that's definitely not the case.

I really love my parents. They've always tried to do what's best for me and they still do. Knowing that they do that is one of the best feelings in the world.

It would be weird going this year, though. My parents would be there...and my two brothers and their wives would be there. And if we all went to the same sex class? *shudder* I don't even want to think about it! I know we're all aware that we're all getting intimate, but I don't want to think anything specific when it comes down to it.

I just took on a pretty big project at work, so I guess I should be going.

Oh! First, I wanted to make a list of the people for whom I have addresses for my Christmas card list. I had most of them in e-mail from the time I sent out postcards.

I have the following down for cards:
wannagowest --- have address
the-moo --- NEED ADDRESS!!! :)
sameoldfears --- have address
anita-girl --- have address
emaciana --- have address
ticktrix --- have address
fan4 --- have address

If you requested a card and I didn't list your diary name (except for Jennifer), if you didn't request a card and you would like one, or if you see NEED ADDRESS beside your name, please e-mail me! :)

I will keep advertising this offer over and over because I think it's a fun idea.

Happy November!

--last || next--

New Location - October 18, 2007
Be Still, My Soul - September 17, 2007
Just leave already - September 16, 2007
Changes...I hate them (well, most of them, anyway) - September 14, 2007
Funky Love - September 12, 2007

*HUGS* TOTAL! give tootiturtle more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own