Poopy Capsule
9:24 p.m. || January 01, 2007

I think I've said this before, but I always thought that it would get easier everytime DH is admitted to hospital - heck, even just taken to the emergency room. But everytime it causes me great anxiety and I cry myself to sleep almost every night.

It's even different this time because I know he's going to be okay. Well, he's going to be okay if everything goes the way it's supposed to.

Saturday morning, the x-ray showed that the capsule had moved, which means that it's not stuck anymore. Dr. D and the surgeon seemed to not want to even consider surgery anymore because they had no evidence that the diverticulum was really there.

Before I left, Dr. D said that he wanted DH to have another Meckel scan done. He had 3 done in the past and they all came back negative. Apparently, in order for it to be detected, it needs to be actively bleeding. But I can't be bleeding too much, or it still won't show.

We started freaking out because they were saying that if it didn't come back positive, they would never do the surgery, and this is without seeing any of the capsule test results.

I called the number the Dr. G gave me to reach him after hours. Instead of paging him, they paged the on-call doctor, who was confused about how I reached him. I told him the situation and he said he remembered the case. Dr. G had showed the capsule results to a bunch of colleagues. The on-call doctor said that he even saw them. I asked him what he thought. He said that he agreed with Dr. G and so did the other doctors. He told me that he would contact Dr. G and one of them would contact me back.

When he called back, he told me that Dr. G told him that he would talk to a surgeon in Baltimore and DH could be transferred there to have the surgery if they won't do it here. He asked me to tell Dr. D to contact Dr. G. That's how confident he is. It was the answer that we all wanted to hear.

As expected the most recent Meckel scan came back negative. Rather than Dr. D coming in, Dr. H came in to talk to DH.

Are all these doctors getting confusing? There are more, but then I'll probably get confused.

Dr. H was the doctor who took care of DH when he had his big bleed in June 2005. He's always been very kind and he seems to take personal interest in this case.

He told DH that he liked Dr. G and that he approved of surgery, no problem. Now it's up to the surgeon to agree to do it.

DH hadn't had a bowel movement in 4 days. The capsule was still inside of him and so was the radiation that they used for the Meckel scan. The surgeon wants to do a barium x-ray. He says that it's like a road map for him. But he can't do it until DH moves his bowels.

They tried suppositories. They tried an enema. They gave him 2 or 3 doses of milk of magnesia and finally he was able to go. I felt so sorry for him. His mom was like, "You could die if it gets impacted!" Sometimes she makes things a lot worse because she worries almost as much as I do. I just know when to talk and when not to.

Anyway, he moved his bowels and he recovered the capsule.


It's sitting in a jar on the kitchen counter. I never want to touch that thing.

I'm guessing that he'll have his barium x-ray tomorrow. I'm hoping that the surgeon will give himself the go ahead to perform the surgery. If he does, I predict that it'll be happening this week.

I'm going to try and get to work sometime between 8 an 9 in the morning tomorrow so I can leave sometime between 4 and 5 so I can see DH before visiting hours end. I'm going to be exhausted, but I can't not see him.

I have so much to do... I have to go to the bank, go to work, pick up his prescription from the pharmacy, and call the doctor's office to try and fix the screwed up script problem. I received the script they mailed. Hopefully they didn't mail another one. I don't want him to get in trouble so he can never be prescribed anything again.

I guess I need to get going. I need to do some cleaning up around here and then go to bed so I can get up early.

Happy New Year, everyone.

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New Location - October 18, 2007
Be Still, My Soul - September 17, 2007
Just leave already - September 16, 2007
Changes...I hate them (well, most of them, anyway) - September 14, 2007
Funky Love - September 12, 2007

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